Presentation Coaching

Philosophy: In the Book of Lists fear of public speaking consistently ranks number one on the top ten fears. Death is number seven. But you can overcome and even eliminate this fear. First, you have to know what you’re talking about. Style will never carry you over lack of content, although excellent content will carry you over poor style. The best approach is talking about something you care about while being yourself. Most people try too hard to act the way they think they should act. Being yourself while speaking to a room full of people can be difficult, but if you remember why you’re excited about the topic it gets easier.

Approach: Usually we start with a half day. It doesn’t matter if you’re ready to present or haven’t yet started your speech outline. We’ll work on both the “what” and the “how” in the first four hours. Most people find it useful to have a second session a week or two later. We use video, role-play and straight presentation to build on your strengths and allay your fears. We’ll eliminate any annoying speaking habits you have. But don’t wait until a week before you give your presentation.

Outcome: You’ll discover yourself at the core of the presentation and be capable of delivering any talk to any group at any time. Your “ums” and “ahs” will disappear. You’ll have a presentation planning process you can use in the future.